
Placebo – Pure Morning

Direto do segundo álbum, Without You I’m Nothing, da banda britânica Placebo é um dos primeiros vídeo clips que realmente me impressionaram… sabe como é né, na época não tinha YouTube e qualquer coisa nova que passava na MTV era surreal e motivo de discussão no colégio no dia seguinte. Quer dizer, eu não discutia… sempre tive razão desde cedo.

Placebo é uma das favoritas da casa a muito tempo, a banda tem altos e baixos também, mas no geral fica no positivo com participações especiais como a de David Bowie.

Para variar o vídeo oficial está bloqueado para incorporação, neste link você pode conferi-lo mizifio.

Sing with us kids.

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breasts and all the rest,
A friend who’s dressed in leather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who’ll tease is better ,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she’s pressed she will undress,
And then she’s boxing clever,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day’s dawning, skins crawling [repeat four more times]
Pure morning, [repeat this four more times]

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who’ll tease is better,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day’s dawning, skins crawling [repeat three more times]
Pure morning,[repeat this eight more times]

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she’s pressed she will undress,
And then she’s boxing clever,

A friend in needs a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breast and all the rest,
A friend who’s dressed in leather

Curta nossa playlist do Na Escuta! Agora também no Spotify.

Por Rodrigo Castro

Debochado e inconveniente. Escritor, roteirista e designer de brincadeirinha.

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