
Massive Attack – Mezzanine

Apesar de não ser fã doente, confesso que gosto bastante de Massive Attack, e mais especificamente o álbum Mezzanine de 1998.

Uma das grandes belezas da internet é o compartilhamento de conteúdo gratuito, algo que as grandes empresas abominam. Isto talvez envolva vincular somente o que gostamos, e não o que jogam em nós.

Massive Attack é bom para o ouvido e para a alma. Se bem que algumas pessoas classificam Mezzanine, a música, como um pesadelo febril. Mas isso não deve ser algo necessariamente ruim.

Sing with us kids!

I’m a little curious of you in crowded scenes
And how serene your friends and fiends
We flew and strolled as two, illuminated gently
Why don’t you close your eyes and reinvent me?You know you’ve got that heart made of stone
You shoulda let me know
You coulda let me know
We’ll go till morning comes
And traffic grows
And windows hum
Spending all week with your friends
Give me evenings and weekends
Evenings and weekendsI could be yours
We can unwind
All these half-floors
All these half-floorsYou’d agree it’s a typical high
You fly as you watch your name go by
And once the name goes by
Not thicker than water, nor thicker than mud
And the 8K thuds it doesSun set so thickly
Let’s make it quiet and quickly
Don’t frown
It tastes better on the way back downI could be yours
We can unwind
All these half-floors
All these half-floors
All these half-floors
Will lead to mineWe are the curiousWhile I roam
Stick me down
Stick me, stick me downWe can unwind
All these half-floors
All these half-floors
Will lead to mine
We’ll see to
All these half-floors
All these half-floors
We’ll see to
All these half-floors
Will lead to mine
We can unwind all our floors
We can unwind all our floors
We can unwind all our floors

Curta nossa playlist de músicas ou somzeiras! Agora também no Spotify.

Massive Attack na Wikipedia.

Site oficial Massive Attack.

Por Rodrigo Castro

Debochado e inconveniente. Escritor, roteirista e designer de brincadeirinha.

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